Fillmore High School Home


End Of The Year Message

As we reflect on this past school year, Jim Collins' words resonate: "Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline." We want to thank our students for their discipline and making the choice to be great... Featured Photo

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Resources for Families

Please see the information below for Mental Health Resources for students and families.
High School Vision and Mission Statements Featured Photo

High School Vision and Mission Statements

Vision: Fillmore High School, a community rich in culture, history and tradition, is proud to cultivate healthy, mutually supportive students well prepared to engage in an inclusive global society.
Mission: Everyday FHS students are valued and strategically supported in their growth as joyful learners engaged in critical thinking on their path toward college and career readiness.
Sprigeo Featured Photo


We believe all kids should feel safe – all the time. That's why we created a platform for the anonymous reporting of bullying and other safety threats.

Creemos que todos los niños deben sentirse seguros - todo el tiempo. Es por eso que hemos creado una plataforma para la denuncia anónima de la intimidación y otras amenazas de seguridad.


Flashes Success Stories

Fillmore High School and The Fillmore High Alumni Association present a look forward at the accomplishments of students who have graduated from Fillmore High School.
Jared Schieferle, Class of 2020
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Architectural Engineering.