FHS Wellness Center » Wellness Center Home

Wellness Center Home

Welcome to the Fillmore High School Wellness Center!

Fillmore High School has its very own Wellness Center on campus in Classroom 2!  In this center, students can take a break and relax from everyday stressors, access resources in the community and get connected to different services for mental health and overall wellbeing. This website will serve as a virtual Wellness Center where resources and information are always available.



Wellness Center



The FHS Wellness Center is a safe space on school grounds with cozy bean bag chairs, couches, activities, art, music and activities to make it a comfortable place for students to take a break and seek support.

Some of the information and resources we have available include drugs/alcohol, mental health, therapy, LGBTQ+ community, dropout prevention, intimate partner violence, mindfulness, self-care, anxiety, depression, stress reduction, self-esteem, healthy relationships and much more. 

In this site you will find different national and local resources, a virtual wellness space with videos that can help manage stress and anxiety, information on teen mental health, theme of the month and upcoming events. 


Visits and services provided at the center are confidential within limits.



Wellness Center

If you are a Fillmore High School student interested in Wellness Center services or know of a student who can benefit from services, please call the Wellness Center (805) 524-8402. You can also reach out to the Wellness Center Coordinator Nancy Luna, LCSW at [email protected], Wellness Counselor Christina Sandoval [email protected] or Wellness Center Office Manager Amelia Dominguez [email protected] (805) 524-8027

Wellness Center Hours:


Lunchtime: 1:00-1:40 PM

Afterschool: 3:30-4:30 PM


One-on-One Appointments by arrangement during school day